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Slideshow Gallery / Dive sites

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19 photo(s) in this gallery.
Photos in the album viewed: 21010 times.
Owner: admin

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Santa Cruz Island, Punta Carrion Isabela Island, Cabo Marshall Wolf Island, La Punta Darwin Arch Isabela Island, Punta Vicente Roca Cousin´s Rock Cousin´s Rock, a felszín... Cousin´s Rock, sasrája (fotó: Nelson Martinez) Darwin Arch, tájkép :-) Darwin Arch, pörölycápa (fotó: Nelson Martinez) Fernandina Island, Cabo Douglas Pirosszájú denevérhal (fotó: Nelson Martinez) Leguán (fotó: Nelson Martinez) Cabo Marshall Halraj (fotó: Nelson Martinez) Mola mola (fotó: Nelson Martinez) Wolf Island Cápák (fotó: Nelson Martinez) Fóka (fotó: Nelson Martinez)


Tulamben, U.S. Liberty Wreck


14/20 reviews avg:outstanding(average: 4.7) average conditions
max: 32m, visibility: 10-25m , Drift , Current

shore divewreck divetropical coral reef habitat open water speciesMin 1.5m long Fish Huge school in open water Shark Seahorse Turtle

Photo gallery

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2010 All the Red Sea
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2009 Look at the sky
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