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Slideshow Gallery / Americas

Crystal River Florida
The Crystal River National Wildlife Refuge is the only Refuge in the United States dedicated to the preservation and protection of a single species, the manatees.

United States
35 photo(s) in this gallery.
Photos in the album viewed: 38899 times.
Owner: Bunny

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Rocky Point (island #7)


2/2 reviews avg:interesting(average: 4) average conditions
max: 33m, visibility: more than 25m , Current

by liveaboardreef dive scenic divetropical coral reef habitatShark Turtle

Photo gallery

Picture of the Month contests
DC-RSBH 2015
UntitledPicture of the Month contests
2011 Shoal
Picture of the Month contests
Next GenerationPicture of the Month contests
2014 Black and white
The Black EyePicture of the Month contests
2013 Night shift
ÁáááásítPicture of the Month contests
2008 Yellow
BékahalPicture of the Month contests
2009 Stripes
Chromodoris willaniPicture of the Month contests
2013 Reds
Picture of the Month contests
2007 My favorite photo
Test-építő!Picture of the Month contests
2008 Jaws
Picture of the Month contests
2011 Red Sea shoot-out competition
Picture of the Month contests
2017 School of fishes

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